Sunday, 9 July 2017

Where To Go When You Get To El Paso

When you travel into El Paso, you might wonder what you will be able to do. You might be on vacation, doing a tour of Texas, and you have arrived at this South Texas city. It is situated on the Rio Grande River, close to the Franklin Mountains State Park. It is a beautiful place if you enjoy cactus, coyotes and warm dry weather. Here are some things you can do in the city if you would like to have a lot of fun in El Paso when you visit.

Take The Scenic Drive

One of the best things that you can do when you get to El Paso is get a feel for the area. You can see the mountain ranges in the background, the city itself, and you want to do this at night to see how beautiful it looks. Along the way, you could go to the Wyler Aerial Tramway which will take you to the top of a peak where you can see even better from this vantage point.

Museums You Can Visit

You can also visit museums such as the El Paso Holocaust Museum, the Museum of Archaeology, and the Museum of History. These are all open to the public, and you will get to know a little bit more about this city that is situated right on the border of Mexico, a place that many people enjoy visiting during the spring. If you do happen to go, try to avoid the summer months because of how incredibly hot it is. However, as long as you have a nice air-conditioned hotel room, you will certainly enjoy your stay. If you have kids, you can take them to the El Paso Zoo, or simply go for a nice drive to the Hueco Tanks State Historic Site.

The post Where To Go When You Get To El Paso appeared first on PHOTOGRAPHY BY ARIENNE.

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