Friday, 1 September 2017

Visit the Most Interesting Places in El Paso

El Paso is a city that offers many interesting things to see and do. If you are considering taking a trip within the United States, this is one city that you should put on your must-see list. El Paso is situated in west Texas right along the Rio Grande and sits along the Mexican border and the city of Cuidad Juarez, Chihuahua.

It is surrounded Franklin Mountains State Park which is home to beautiful desert cacti and wildlife like eagles and coyotes. The area is unique in that it is where the desert meets the mountains. The tramway at the state park offers incredible views of the city and of nearby Mexico. There are many beautiful flowers and plants to see when enjoying the Franklin Mountains State Park as well.

The US Border Patrol was established here and it is worth taking a visit to the National Border Patrol Museum to see and learn more about its history from 1924 up until today. The city of El Paso has other interesting historical tidbits. It is allegedly the place where the Margarita drink was invented. The tequila based drink was first mixed at Tommy’s Place Bar in 1945.

In 1930, Conrad Hilton opened his first high rise hotel. The building is still a landmark of the city and is now home to the Plaza Hotel. The International Hotel was visited by such notable individuals as Elvis Presley and Steve McQueen. Today, it is a Doubletree Hotel.

More history can be taken in along El Paso Street, the city’s first and oldest. Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid and President Taft all strolled along this street.

Plan a visit to El Paso, Texas. There is something for everyone to see and do, and the location is perfect for a quick domestic getaway.

The post Visit the Most Interesting Places in El Paso appeared first on PHOTOGRAPHY BY ARIENNE.

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